Taku Wairua is a Personal Development and Mentoring Programme.
We are a team passionate about helping the next generation become more confident, and proud of who they are. We’re creating stronger communities for our future.
Stronger People, Stronger Communities.
Why We’re Here:
He aha matou i konei
Our Motto
Stronger People, Stronger Communities.
Our Vision
To make personal development opportunities an achievable option for every Kiwi.
Our Mission
To enable opportunities for all kiwis to participate in personal development activities, and to enable kind people and organisations the opportunity to live and show their values by being a part of our community.
Our Goals
Health and well-being
Acceptance of our differences and decrease discrimination
Goal Setting
Opportunities for work and personal development to disadvantaged youth
Business well-being
Identity, belonging, social, and whanau connection
Self-awareness, pride, and courage
Growth mindset
What We Do:
Our Model
Our 2023 Target
1600+ people researching their Whakapapa and Pepeha
1600+ people setting goals
1600+ people volunteering to community causes
1600+ people increasing self awareness
16 mentor/buddy connections
80 individual participations in mahi dabble days
16 disadvantaged youth finding paid employment
How We Do It:
We Are Team Players
Hungry, Humble & Smart:
Take accountability, give credit, keep perspective
Go above & beyond, sacrifice for the cause, make a difference
Smart (People Smart)
Treat all people with respect, be contagiously positive, be a role model
As team members we can expect:
Our role to have measurable objectives
Our role to be making a difference
Our teammates to know and respect us as individuals
To get things done we:
Set > Enable > Expect
Huinga > Whakahohe > Tumanako